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All About CALM CUES ™

Who are CALM CUES™ for?

Clothing retailers. Corporate Leaders. Police Officers. Service Members. Bank Tellers. Customer Service Representatives. Police and Security Officers. Corporate Leaders. Management. Counselors. Teachers. Students. Nurses. Doctors. Store Clerks. Waiters/Waitresses. Baristas. Construction Workers. Bartenders. Cashiers.  Bartenders. Engineers. Construction Workers. YOU.


CALM CUES™ Mobile App

Would you like your staff to have a handy guide for quick and easy access for CALM CUES™? What if we told you the CALM CUES™ app not only includes CALM CUES™ information, but also coping strategies to use such as progressive relaxation, deep breathing exercises and motivational materials to help users power through the day?! The versatility of tools offered gives employees options to choose content best for their learning style. No more fumbling through old worksheets or emails, or relying on memory to attempt to recall the training from January. The CALM CUES™ app is not just for the sole purpose of de-escalation, but to also improve overall mental health and wellness in a convenient app in the palm of your hands.   


CALM CUES™ for Stress by Perspectives is a combination of mindfulness activities and tools to use to aid in self care by increasing mental awareness. Identifying mental barriers will allow employees to overcome personal challenges which may be preventing the from being productive, engaged, and motivated employees. CALM CUES ™ for Crisis are activated to potentially avoid or to navigate a crisis situation. While use of CALM CUES™ for Crisis cannot guarantee a crisis will not happen, it provides employees a series of mental and verbal techniques to bring calm to a tense situation.


We live in a time when stress and anxiety are reaching all-time highs. CALM CUES™ for Stress are going to help employees emotionally and mentally regulate to improve productivity, increase employee engagement, and to provide tools to manage personal and work related stress. CALM CUES™ for Crisis were developed to aid employees in avoiding escalating or potentially life threatening confrontations. CALM CUES™  are designed to give direction on what to do and say in an overwhelming, escalating, or developing crisis situation. 

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CALM CUES™ for Stress

CALM CUES™ for Stress integrates mindfulness and other thought, behavior and action based strategies to improve overall mental wellness for employees to be improved versions of themselves. Each step of CALM CUES™ are designed to help employees deal with common challenges in the workplace such as conflict resolution, stress management, effective communication, and developing employees ability to problem solve. CALM CUES™ for Stress aids employees in using strategies for overall self improvement--personally and professionally. Use of CALM CUES™ are a stepping stone to increasing employee engagement, developing staff members to be future leaders within the organization and to increase productivity. 

CALM CUES™ for Crisis

CALM CUES™ for Crisis is a protocol designed to provide employees with guidance on how to prevent and manage crisis situations. The model helps employees to identify cues that an escalation is occurring, and provides tools and know-how to help them manage the situation. CALM CUES™ is based on the principle that by recognizing the early signs of a crisis, employees can take action to prevent it from developing further. The model has been shown to be effective in a variety of settings, and is an essential tool for any organization that wants to ensure a safe and productive workplace by training employees in de-escalation techniques.

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CALM CUES™-Intensive

The CALM CUES™ for Stress and CALM CUES™ for Crisis intensive is a10 part series which explores a deep dive into the mental health component of executing emotional and mental regulation personally and in a crisis situation. The intensive goes into depth of the why behind each step of use of CALM CUES™ for deeper understanding and execution of these protocols.

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